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Sunday, November 17, 2013

French Vocab Sundays - November 17, 2013

Note : Every Sunday I will post French vocab words that I learned throughout the week. They are mostly random words, ones that I think of at a certain moment and others are actually important ones like parts of the body or words pertaining to paperwork. 

frost - une gelée or un gel
to get frost bite - attraper des engelures
black ice - verglas
anti-freeze - antigel
defrost - dégivrer
defrost the windshield - dégivrer le pare-brise
defrost the freezer - décongeler le congélateur
ice scraper - grattoir à glace

There will be an upcoming post about these words soon
back to normal, better (concerning health) - consolider
ligaments - ligaments
tendons - tendon

I could have sworn I learned these words but I guess I forgot them
fitted sheet - drap housse
flat sheet - drap
pillowcase - taie d'oreiller

To help improve my French vocab, I have been playing the 94 seconds app on my i-phone. You have 94 seconds to guess as many words as possible. For example a verb that doesn't end in er that starts with a v (voir) or a cheese that starts with a b (brebis - baby goat)


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