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Sunday, October 20, 2013

French Vocab Sundays - October 20, 2013

I have decided to start another series this time called  French Vocab Sundays. Every Sunday I will post French vocab words that I learned throughout the week. They are mostly random words, ones that I think of at a certain moment and others are actually important ones like parts of the body or words pertaining to paperwork.

First, because I have discovered I do not know a whole lot of vocab words. I will be in the middle of a sentence and think "Oh I don't know that word" and then I have to give the definition of the word that I was thinking of. Second, I want to learn new words and later help Fatima learn them too.

I will be using wordreference.com and linguee.com to look up these words.

Words from this week :
ribs - une côte | rib cage - une cage thoracique
gall bladder - une vésicule biliaire

arts & crafts - l'artisanat d'art
popsicle sticks - un batôn de glace
felt (the material) - de feutre
construction paper - un papier cartonné
lollipop - une sucette

wheel barrow - une brouette

French words that I had to look up their meaning
diurne - during the day
un paillasson - doormat

And lastly, because writing them down might actually help me to remember them and may help others like you learn them, even if you don't speak French. Or if you do, they can be good reminders.

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