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Welcome / Bienvenue / Hosgeldiniz

Assalamu alaykom, Hi, Bonjour, Merhaba, and everything else in between. Welcome to our blog about the multlingual and cutlural adventures th...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sculpture at Gare du Nord

It sure has been a long time since I last wrote, but a lot has happened. I had to pack the old apartment and then we moved into the new apartment thus had to unpack. I signed with a new artist who is literally a handful. I was having panic attacks due to the high amount of stress from both of these events, so therefore I had to get checked out and came home with a pack of vitamins. And between all that I have had to work for my other artists and work on changing our address at all of the places, which has yet to be finished.

Anyway, the other day I was at Gare du Nord, waiting on my husband so we could go get his tooth problem checked out. I was standing next to this white box and kept hearing and seeing white smoke coming out of the box. I went to the other side and discovered this ball with a movie of people walking below it. Check out the video to see the box in action.

Apparently this sculpture has been around since 2008, but this has  been the first time I noticed it in action and even noticed it all.

And here you can find how Fabien Chalen put it together http://vimeo.com/23153562

Has anyone else noticed this sculpture before now ?


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