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Sunday, October 27, 2013

French Vocab Sundays - October 27, 2013

Note : Every Sunday I will post French vocab words that I learned throughout the week. They are mostly random words, ones that I think of at a certain moment and others are actually important ones like parts of the body or words pertaining to paperwork. 

Yesterday I was on an organizing kick and kept thinking that it was Sunday. I kept thinking that I needed to add the French words to this post. This morning with the time change and all, I am still confused on what the actual time is, I  realized I had still forgot to add the words. So I am editing this after the original post. Enjoy!

tongue-tied - muet

contact paper - vénilia
yarn -  une laine / un fil
ball of yarn - une pelote de laine
thread - un fil
velcro - velcro

dust bunnies - des moutons
furniture polish - une cire 
appareil ménager - home appliance

burp a baby - faire faire son rot à
 a burp - un rot
burp cloth - une bavette
bib - un bavoir
phlegm - du glaire

cough up phlegm - une toux grasse
changing of the leaves - les arbes prenaient leurs coleurs automnales
falling leaves - une chute des feuilles
it's raining cats and dogs - pleuvoir comme vache qui pisse
 (literally it is raining like a cow who is peeing! - I think I like this better :)

Till next week, I am now off to a Turkish wedding! 


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