Welcome / Bienvenue / Hosgeldiniz

Welcome / Bienvenue / Hosgeldiniz

Assalamu alaykom, Hi, Bonjour, Merhaba, and everything else in between. Welcome to our blog about the multlingual and cutlural adventures th...

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Paris Daily Photo blog

I ran across a new blog when I was looking for pictures for the love lock bridge post, called Paris Daily Photo. And just like it's name everyday there is a daily photo from Paris with a little caption about the photo.
Copyright +ParisDailyPhoto 

Copyright +ParisDailyPhoto 
Copyright +ParisDailyPhoto 

 This website is really interesting it has different sections like typical Paris, unusual, must see, restuarant and so much more. It is a good source of inspiration for my blog and for those of you interested in seeing a new photo of Paris everyday!


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Pont des Arts (love locks) bridge is falling down...

literally. Earlier last week a 2m section fell from the bridge, because the bridge could no longer hold on to the love locks. There are currently 700,000 locks on this bridget and you can add 300 kilos for each meter of railing.
According to most Parisians, the love lock bridge has gotten out of hand and they are scared for the security of the bridge either walking across it or taking a boat ride along the Seine. There is even a petition that has been started by No Love Locks, their motto is Free your heart Save our bridges! So far there are 5000 signatures!

Before locks, February 2007 / Avant cadenas, fevrier 2007
Copyright ©No Love Locks. - The bridge before any locks

Copyright ©No Love Locks. - And today with the piece of plywood added
Recently other bridges and other places have been targeted love lock places such as the Eiffel Tower, Canal Saint Martin (where Amelie skipped rocks),

Paris is the city of love, but I don't know if attaching a lock to a bridge and throwing away the key equals everlasting love. Have you locked your heart in Paris ?

Eiffel Tower Copyright ©No Love Locks.

Locks - Canal St. Martin
Canal Saint Martin Copyright ©No Love Locks.


Monday, June 16, 2014

It's hard to get around Paris or rather France recently

Today is the 6th day of a rail/transport strike. And let me tell you it has been a pain in the neck for my husband who takes the train to work everyday. Often he has an 1hour 30minute commute which is doubled or tripled when there is a strike. Take a can of sardines or tuna and imagine you are in the can, that's what it feels like to be in a train when they're on strike. So pregnant women, the elderly, tourists going to the airport or babies in strollers should not attempt to take the train during the strike, because people will literally push and shove to get a spot on the train. Sometimes blocking the doors to close, people think that a 1cm spot is big enough for them! It's not a fun adventure in Paris or other cities for that matter.

This weekend to make matters worse, there were only two trains every hour going in the direction of the airport CDG and the south of Paris on RER B!!

Why are they striking ?
 Over government plans to bring the SNCF rail operator and the RFF network under the roof of one holding company, while keeping their operations separate.They fear the proposals will hurt working conditions and want SNCF and RFF fully merged into a single company as they were before 1997.They also want the government to take on some 40 billion euros ($54.5 billion) in debt owed by the two firms.The government says the reform is needed to create a coherent structure for the railways as France and other European countries gear up for full liberalisation of the railways in coming years. (france24.com)

Ok it's a good thing that these people are striking for their retirement and jobs but its not good that it is causing people like my husband to lose work time and pay due to the strike.  And also according to a video that I saw, the union said they would take their time to respond to the government because the government has been taking it's time.

So the question is, how long will the strike keep going ?

Monday, June 09, 2014

In memory of D-Day

This week was the memory of D-Day, so I thought I would show some pictures that I took from previous France trips when I was younger.

imagine walking up this mountain from the beach having no clue what would lie ahead

but don't worry today there is a path!

this bomb made the hole below
this picture shows how deep the bomb holes are still today!


Monday, June 02, 2014

Back from Turkey!!

I got back from Turkey a few weeks ago and just got back from Metz a few hours ago.
 I will be updating my blog later this week, new posts about my fantastic trip in Turkey and driving the toll road in France. I will try to updating the 44 meals list ( I know I have fallen way behind, that's what a month long vacation does).

 Meanwhile enjoy a few photos from Turkey.

At a friend's family's garden

Harput, a castle and a tourist destingation

a drive through the mountains