Welcome / Bienvenue / Hosgeldiniz

Welcome / Bienvenue / Hosgeldiniz

Assalamu alaykom, Hi, Bonjour, Merhaba, and everything else in between. Welcome to our blog about the multlingual and cutlural adventures th...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween in France

Happy Halloween from theparisrambler!

Just a little while ago a group of kids rang the doorbell, and said "Today is Halloween can you give us candy." I said I know what today is and I am not going to give you candy because you didn't dress up. They had their regular clothes on and had pumpkins painted on their face. Ok I'll give them a little credit for the face paint. But there was no Trick-or-Treat or Happy Halloween.

Then, one kid was like I'll give you this fruitcake if you give us candy. I mean I know they just wanted FREE CANDY but why would I give them candy, when I dressed up every year for Halloween.

Finally I said "I am American, I know what Halloween is because we invented it and you are not dressed up so therefore I will not give you candy" So they left sad and probably angry but I am not going to let a holiday that I enjoyed as a kid be continued without the same traditions.

Last year, some kids tried the same thing and I was like I have chocolate chip muffins or apples and they didn't want either of them. So I guess like any other kid, these kids wanted FREE CANDY!

 What are you thoughts ? Would you give candy to kids that weren't dressed up ?


Monday, October 29, 2012

Paris B&W : Landmarks

Here are three pictures of famous landmarks in Paris: See if you can name them without looking at the answers below( Highlight the word for the answer and then tell me below how you did.
1. La Fontaine du Palmier
in the Place du Châtelet

2. La Tour Eiffel  - if you get this wrong, I feel sorry for you

3. Place de la Bastille - only thing it is missing is the guillotine

Friday, October 26, 2012

Little Paris Kitchen

The other day, I wrote paris and food in google trying to find some food blogs on parisian cooking. The first thing I stumbled upon was this : An English woman's take on Parisian cooking. She has her own television series, Little Paris Kitchen.

I think that I am going to try her recipes soon, and I will post the result afterwards. Or maybe I just need to create a blog series on my take on Parisian cooking without the diploma from the cordon on bleu.

Have you seen this series ? What would you like to see me cook ?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Paris B&W : Sacre le Coeur

One of my favorite parts of Paris is Montmartre. Maybe because I am an artist and it is an artist kind of neighborhood.

I like getting off at metro Abssess, you know the I love you wall, walking the back route to Sacre le Coeur. First to avoid the gypsies, the africans, and the crowd and second because there are some interesting places to see.
Sometimes I feel like I am in Amelie when walking up all the stairs.

I love the small Oriental influenced towers.
To go home, I walk down the hill to metro Anvers passing the fabric stores and les Halles Saint Pierre.
Check out les Halles Saint Pierre next time your there, you never know you might pass a fashion designer. It's like the Mood of Paris

Monday, October 22, 2012

Paris B&W : Churches

The other day, I was going through my pictures and I have decided that at least once or twice a week, I would share some B&W shots of Paris to enjoy when I don't have a story or thought to share. Some are from night and some are from the day.

Today we have two churches. And no there are not of the famous Notre Dame.
The first is Saint Eustache that one can discover near Forum les Halles at metro stop Chatelet. I find the outside of the church fasinating and elaborate, more interesting than Notre Dame. All of the flying buttresses and windows.
Saint Eustache near Châtelet
 Another church is Saint Sulpice found at you guessed it metro stop Saint Sulpice. My husband and I discovered this church when we were walking out of Jardin du Luxembourg and then stumbled upon a "brocante" like an open air yard sale (more on this later). We didn't go inside, but again the architecture on the outside is just fun to stare at.
Saint Sulpice, I think
Have you visited any of these churches ? What were your impressions ?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sculpture at Gare du Nord

It sure has been a long time since I last wrote, but a lot has happened. I had to pack the old apartment and then we moved into the new apartment thus had to unpack. I signed with a new artist who is literally a handful. I was having panic attacks due to the high amount of stress from both of these events, so therefore I had to get checked out and came home with a pack of vitamins. And between all that I have had to work for my other artists and work on changing our address at all of the places, which has yet to be finished.

Anyway, the other day I was at Gare du Nord, waiting on my husband so we could go get his tooth problem checked out. I was standing next to this white box and kept hearing and seeing white smoke coming out of the box. I went to the other side and discovered this ball with a movie of people walking below it. Check out the video to see the box in action.

Apparently this sculpture has been around since 2008, but this has  been the first time I noticed it in action and even noticed it all.

And here you can find how Fabien Chalen put it together http://vimeo.com/23153562

Has anyone else noticed this sculpture before now ?