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Saturday, September 01, 2012

Picture of the Week : Scenes from Vienna

Back when I studied abroad in 2008 in Paris, I took a trip to Vienna, Austria. We had visited Barcelona before going to Vienna and had received great advice from a woman in our hostel. She said that all of the museums were like the ones in Paris so there was no point in visiting them. So instead we checked out the architecture

and saw an opera for 2 euros ( standing for the whole La Traviata) but it was well worth it.
The Opera House

La Traviata
The only to remember is that when you are planning a trip back to Paris, remember to book the train for Vienna, Austria not Vienna, France. So we ended up paying 300 euros each to make it to Strasbourg, France and then tried to ask the train to reimbourse us for "our" mistake. Let's just say the site wasn't very clear, because I had friends who ended up taking the train to Vienna, France thinking they were going to Austria, they got off and were like "Where are we ?"

Strasbourg, France
 Have you visited Vienna or Austria ?


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