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Welcome / Bienvenue / Hosgeldiniz

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Open up wide at the Dentist

I haven't seen the dentist in quite a long time, and I finally decided that I wanted to go get my teeth checked out. I prefer to find a doctor/dentist that speaks English, because if I don't understand something in French at least I will understand in English. Thankfully, the US Consulate provides a list of English-speaking doctors and the dentist that I chose accepts the carte vitale. The carte vitale is a health insurance card which permits sometimes reductions on the price that you will have to pay. Like I paid 70 euros for the first consultation, but I will receive a 40 euros refund.

Anyway back to the dentist office, it was located near Madeleine Church in a very nice neighborhood.

Also the dentist office was very unique. I felt like I was in an interior decorator's office. Even the elevator felt like a space ship, I forgot to take a picture of that.

But of course being in the dentist chair felt like a normal dentist office. Have you ever been to the dentist in France ?


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