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Thursday, October 20, 2011

The French Office

I enjoy my job and it is quite different than that of Florence Brunel's. Particulary because there are more people in the office, even though we all are working on different taks. There about 9 of us, and all are men except me and the secretary. So that means all they talk about are soccer, rugby, cars and the lates gadgets, (thanks to the geek squand below us). To be one of the only women in the office is quite the experience.

Now on to the parts that confused me for about the first week. Everyone flocks around the coffee pot around 10 am and it's not optional. My first day, I got there around 9:45 and I was ready to get started but they were like aren't you coming for coffee and I said "no, I'm fine."  But then the secretary was like you have to come. So it was kind of awkward.

Then, around 2 pm is lunch. One person is in charge of making lunch, another sets the table and another washes the dishes.  But because I have a specific eating plan and their favorite meal is pork, we cannot eat the same things. But I am willing to eat with them at their table.

The second coffee break comes about an hour after lunch and it as well is a requirement. It's like everyone flock to the pot because they need a pick me up. But what if I just want to keep working and not lose 20 minutes of my work?

I am not sure if this is what all offices are like but it's all new and French to me! haha!

Do you have experiences to share?

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