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Friday, May 02, 2014

French Cuisine Friday : Poulet au Citron et au Moutarde

Note : This is part of the French Cuisine Friday Series which is now based off the list of 44 classic French Meals You Should Try Before You Die  

This was posted in November 2013
Back in 2008, when I studied abroad in Paris, ISA (the company that I used) took us to a French chef's apartment to get a hands on cooking class. I used to have the printed out recipes and the woman's backgrond but I don't know where the papers are. The only thing I remember that we made was chicken that was marinated in oranges, lemons and dijon mustard. Tonight for dinner we are having that chicken but without the oranges.

This is a rough recipe
Chicken - either breasts, a whole, wings, any part really - I am using wings
Lemon juice - 2- 3 tbs
Lemon slices
Dijon Mustard (that's the spicy one) 1-2 tbs
olive oil
salt and pepper, dried parsley (optional)
Mix the lemon juice and mustard and some olive oil in a cup.
 Salt and pepper, parsley the chicken
and then brush the lemon mustard sauce on the chicken
 Put the lemon slices on the chicken.

Put in the oven at 350°  until the mustard sauce is nice and golden. and then enjoy!

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