The other day, I had some time to kill before meeting up with friends near Notre Dame. So I went to Gibert Jeune to do some book-looking, I had told myself in advance that I am not allowed to buy new books, because I still have not touched the ones I bought a month ago !
Obviously they all are about cooking, I am obsessed if you didn't already know. I always love to try out a new recipe and tweak it into my own. At the time, I thought "I need some cookbooks in French to learn new vocab and cook with friends who speak French" but that still hasn't happened. I am determined to make some bread this afternoon, we will see how that goes
For those of you don't know, Gibert Jeune are the bookstores that have yellow signs at Saint Michel. Mainly it is a used bookstore. They have a nice variety of used English fiction books as well, I have bought a few Mary Higgians Clark that I love to reread and reread.
So, as I was strolling along the rows of used books.
I stumbled upon "Where's Waldo?" but in French it is"Où est Charlie"/ "Where's Charlie?" My first reaction was why is it Charlie, is Waldo just too weird for them ?
So I decided to do a little research and I stumbled across this
blog. Even though it doesn't have a really good explanation, I didn't think I could trust the Wikipedia version, their "you know you are American when..." are pretty funny.
Try to find Waldo ! |