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Thursday, December 22, 2011

French Debt Calculations

An article that I found today in the Direct Matin just in time for the holidays.

A qui la France doit-elle rembourser sa dette? To whom does France have to repay her debt?

Now, I really didn't read the article! I was more intrigued by the picture that showed how to best represent the 1,700 billon euros of French debt.

Translation : 
in bills - 34 billon bills of 50 euros

in distance - 373 times around the earth basically 4,760,00 km of billets laid next to each other

in surface - 3 times the surface of Paris basically 362 k2

in pounds - 5000 elephants basically 30,600 tons of bills

I am pretty sure if I translated and represented the US debt, it would be like 3-4 times each one of these.

How do you feel about these numbers?

1 comment:

  1. Partly false !

    4,760,000 km divided by 40,000 km
    will never be 373 times but only 119.

    A bit outlandish error !
