Favorite area: Strasbourg Saint Denis Part I
It may be surprising to some that my favorite neighborhood is SSD, because it has a shady reputation (I will discuss this later in Part III).
My husband and I go there at least once a week because it is the one of the biggest Turkish neighborhoods and there are many authentic Turkish restaurants.
Restaurants to check out:
Corba Salonu at 15 rue du Faubourg -Saint Denis
An all you can eat soup restaurant, with a never-ending breadbowl. As soon as you make your decision for which soup, it is served steaming hot before your eyes in less than a minute. All for the low cost of 5 euros.
Genc Ura Dorum at 13 rue du Faubourg - Saint Denis

A small sit-down restaurant with less than 10 tables. The staff is really nice, they speak French, English, Turk, and Kurde. We usually eat a stack of 8 pizzas or lahmucan, that is nothing like the pepperoni and cheese variety, but rather lamb with a mix of spices and tomato sauce. and try it with some fresh ayran (a yogurt drink)
Urfa Dürüm 63 rue du Faubourg-Saint Denis
Another small sit-down place, where one can see their lunch cooked before their eyes. It is a traditional kurde restuarant with little chairs that are kind of difficult to sit on. They offer pizza as well, but the adana kebab is to die for.
If you are looking for something new to try head to Strasbourg and get ready for a mouth-watering adventure!