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Assalamu alaykom, Hi, Bonjour, Merhaba, and everything else in between. Welcome to our blog about the multlingual and cutlural adventures th...

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Just Hanging Out

Every Friday and Sunday morning when I go to the market (marché), I walk past what seems to me a strange phenomenon : snails on a fence. I am not just talking about one. I am talking about a dozen or so on each post.

I pointed it out the first time I saw them to my husband, but he didn't find it as cool as I did and he wouldn't let me take a picture. So last week, I decided to walk by the same place and saw the snails hanging out again. I got my camera out and took a picture just as a woman walked past and she had the same look on her face as my husband ded. Kind of like a "why is the girl taking a picture of a fence" and she walked away too fast for me to explain "Oh, je prends un photo de l'escargot!" (translation - I am taking a picture of the snails).

I found it odd, because I always thought that snails slept or hung out on trees or bushes, not attached to some fence.
Maybe they are on the fence because it's green?
Also, I have never found another snail hangout like this one. Maybe they are too afraid to be out in bird eyes view because they know that the French like to eat them, haha.

Have you ever ate snails? and what did you think?

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