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Friday, January 21, 2011

Thoughts from the Metro: French Facts

Almost every morning, I try to read a Direct Matin, one of the 3 free newspapers found in the metro.

There was an article about the change in French population in the Wednesday, January 19th version, that I just had to share.

Fun Fact 1: The population has just passed 65 million! According to January 1, 2009, the population was at 64,7 millon.

Fun Fact : 58,7% of French are between the ages of 20-64.

Fun Fact 3: Marriage is way down in France, more people are pacsing, meaning they have signed a contract and are no longer consider single. Pacs are usually for same-sex couples but more and more opposite -sex couples are doing it. Pacsing is the new "marriage" trend, and when it ends it beats getting a divorce!

Fun Fact 4: 54,8% of children born in France are born out of wedlock! Think 36% are born to married parents!

Fun Fact 5: 828,000 babies were born in 2010, beating the normal 800,000 a year. I guess this means more single parents?? based on the fact noted above.

What do you think of these facts? Do you have more to add?

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