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Welcome / Bienvenue / Hosgeldiniz

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thoughts from the Metro : Chatelet

I have a love/ hate relationship with Chatelet (line 1,4,5,7,11, rer a, b, d). It is a nice station to change because of the variety of directions that it offers, but sometimes it is not worth walking 1.5 miles just to arrive at the station. You will understand once you have done it.

For example, getting off at RER B and having to take line 11 or 7. You have to pass two moving sidewalks and it includes stairs. Usually I do not mind taking the stairs, but when I had to stand for 45 minutes in the RER, the escalator seems to be my best friend.

Also, I do not usually mind the musicians in the stations, there is a handicapped man, who plays contemporary music between the main corridor and line 14 who is pretty good. But recently at the main corridor ( the ticket counters and the walking sidewalks) there has been a man singing and he usually attracts a large crowd, at first it seems like no problem. But add rush hour night traffic and people walking in 100 different directions and people staying to listen to him, and these combinations do not mix. I have to push against the current literally to get to the ticket counters and pass to push my way to the RER. Just imagine if you are a tourist and have a huge suitcase, I think it would be worse...

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