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Assalamu alaykom, Hi, Bonjour, Merhaba, and everything else in between. Welcome to our blog about the multlingual and cutlural adventures th...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

To take or not to take that is the ?

My husband, Y, and I love going to flea markets and finding cheap little knicknacks that will brighten our apartment. But recently we have been gleaning the neighborhood (finding things in the trash and recycling them).

First, it was the three-tier little bookcase that we were thinking of converting into a medecine cabinet or a picture shadow box in honor of our wedding. It needs a paint or modpodge job and then it will look as good as new!

Next, it was the picnic table that Y found near his work, that fold up into a neat box! There really are no problems with it, no broken hinges and it has turned out be a lifesaver, no more dinners sitting down on the floor!

saved 50 - 100 euros

And then it was the TV stand at 3am that looked new to our eyes, so we wheeled it down the street and carried it up a flight of stairs while my sister gave us the talk about how we would really have to put it to use. Later, I have noticed that there are few things missing, but with some paint it will be brand new.
saved 100 euros

And then it as books during our adventure in Montmartre, and the packs of paper sheets (8 with 200 pages each) saved 50 euros.

We have even gleaned potatoes and corn from the leftover harvest. To check out the French gleaners, watch Agnes Varda's film "Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse" 

To become a gleaner: just remember your eyes are the key and always have a purpose for the item 
+ you never know what you will find and HAVE FUN!

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