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Monday, August 16, 2010

Camping at the Prefecture 2

A second commentary on the prefecture in Bobigny, one has to spend the night just to get a rendez-vous or their carte de sejour, it's really true because I have done it plusieurs fois (many times).
Of course their website only shows the pretty side!
 It was another event-filled day at the Prefecture!! Because it was Ramadan, Y and I woke up at 3:30 a.m. to eat and arrived at the Prefet by 4:30ish! (We didn't actually camp out, but we did see people doing it, ones that had been there since 5 o'clock the day before!)

Both of us were there for two separate reasons so that meant two different entry points. Y was a sans rendez-vous, without a meeting, which is the worse line possible. I was scheduled for an appointment at 14h, but somebody told me that I needed to stand in line early so there I was at 4h30. I found out when the line started moving at 8h30, that I could only stand in line "à partir de 12h", meaning get out of the line and come back @ 12h! So I was pretty angry.

A French Blog about the Prefecture
Y was able to get a ticket, they literally hand out 200 tickets to the first 200 people in line.
Today he was 31! Actually there were not as many people in line today as usual and we figured it as because vacation, Ramadan ( lots of Muslims go here), the mosque and other Friday events. But as usual every other person as a Pakistani/Indian selling their place (20 -200 euros!) And the fights were numerous today, therefore just try to stay out of the fight, in case the police come. 
Has anyone ever bought a place at the Prefecture, or do something of this nature in the states?

We submitted Y's dossier for a temporary work contract and carte de sejour. We hope that it gets accepted, because we kissed it and prayed over it. Please pray that we get good news!

I received my carte de sejour recipisse which means that I will go back the 15th of November to receive my real card!

Does anyone have questions on carte de sejours or visas either on the state-side or the French side?

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