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Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The day that most of the transports go on strike because they are angry about their treatment when they are going to retire, or their work conditions or blah blah blah, really I think they just wanted to take a mental health day!

This is the day that I love (please note the sarcasm) a day when every person who takes the transports has the "right" to get upset be cause there are no trains or the lack of trains, like 3 in 1 hour!

All the while the rage is going on, the conductors are fighting for their "rights". The passengers are fighting to get on the train, I had to wait for 3 trains before actually getting on one.

A day where your face is pushed into the glass and someone's hand just happens to touch your butt too long, or a roller coaster effect would take place if the train moved a little bit faster or pushed a little to hard on the brakes, causing you and the 5 people next to you to crash and fall down. Thus an argument starts about how you stepped on someone's Prada shoe or that your elbow is in someone's way, etc.

Basically if you already have a long day it will be even longer due to the fighting, thus stress, rage and accidents happen and for what a little extra retirement time? Really they are fighting for something openly that we can't even fight for in our own country, the only thing the French and us have in common is the adminstration doesn't listen no matter how we handle the situation.

photo from the 20 minutes website just to give you folk an idea.

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